Silicon Mining LLP
Silicon Mining LLP
Organizational form and start date of operation

Silicon Mining Limited Liability Partnership

Date of initial state registration: December 22, 2008

Asset owner/(owners) and their shares

JSC NMC Tau-Ken Samruk (100%)

Activity description

The Company specializes in the extraction of vein quartz at the Aktas field in Karaganda region, to provide raw materials for the plant for production of metallic silicon in Karaganda.


The Board of Directors of JSC NMC Tau-Ken Samruk (hereinafter – TKS) by the decision of October 28, 2021, approved the withdrawal of the asset by an open two-stage tender.

In February 2022, the Commission for TKS Assets Realization has approved a roadmap with a deadline for the asset’s withdrawal to the competitive environment in 2022.

In April 2022, TKS hired an independent consultant to support the transaction.

The 100% realization of the Company together with Tau-Ken Temir LLP (quartz mining) is being considered through an open two-stage competition.

After the initial/minimum price is approved by the TKS Board of Directors, it is planned to publish a notice of the start of the competition.

Asset realization method

Open Two-Stage Competition

ESG agenda

In 2021, a plan was developed for the introduction of sustainable development of TKS for 2022-2023 together with an independent consultant PricewaterhouseCoopers. The plan includes many objectives of the ESG agenda. The main objectives are presented below:

- Economic: implementation of the principles of “green investments” for the Company’s core business on a long-term basis, including sustainable development and environmentally friendly technologies as one of the criteria for new investment projects, including the requirements of compliance with ethical principles and a high level of corporate social responsibility as additional criteria for the selection of suppliers;

- Environmental: analyzing the current state and update the Company’s Environmental Policy, developing an action plan to achieve environmental goals based on the results of an internal audit for compliance with ISO14001, including climate risks in the risk register for 2022-2023 according to the TCFD methodology;

Social: developing a long-term and medium-term plan/programs on the rating of social well-being in terms of hiring and satisfaction with working conditions, official salaries, updating HR policy in accordance with international standards GRI and ISO 10018, revising the Code of Business Ethics of the organization, comparing the standards of companies in the same industry.

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